
Soils mainly composed of organic peat material with Of, Om or Oh horizons, or, upland organic forest materials with L, F, H horizons > 40cm thick.

Soils that have organic horizon that extend from the surface to one of the following:

  1. 60cm if the surface layer is fibric material (Of) having a bulk density of <0.075g/cm3./li>
  2. A depth >40cm if the surface layer consists of mesic or humic material (Om or Oh) having a bulk density >0.075 g.cm3
  3. A deth of >40cm if composed of folic materials (L, F, H), or >10cm if a lithic contact or fragmental materials are present. Folic materials must be more than twice the thickness of a mineral soil layer if the mineral layer <20cm thick.
  4. 2 more conditions


Soils with a Bm, Btj or Bfj horizon < 5cm thick and no Bg horizon.


Soils with either a Bm, Bmgj, Btj or Btj horizon > 5cm thick.

Soils with a Bm, Btj or Bfj horizon > 5cm thick, or Bf horizon <10cm thick.


Soils with a podzolic B horizon and no Bt horizon within 50cm of the mineral surface.


Soils with a Bt horizon and no Bg horizon or podzolic B horizon if the Bt is > 50cm below mineral surface.


Soils with a g horizon within 50cm of the mineral surface.
Soils that are saturated with water and under reducing conditions either continuously or during some period of the the year as indicated either by direct measurements of the water table and the oxidation - reduction status, or by morphological features within 50cm of the mineral surface.

Other soils not found in Ontario

Organic Fibrisol

Soils composed mainly of undecomposed fibric materials.

Organic Mesisol

Soils composed mainly of decomposed mesic materials.

Organic Humisol

Soils composed mainly of decomposed humic materials.

Organic Folisol

Soils composed of upland (folic) materials, generally of forest origin.

Regosolic Humic Regosol

Soils with an Ah horizon >10cm thick.

Regosolic Regosol

Other soils

Brunisolic Melanic Brunisol

Soils with an Ah horizon >10cm thick and a pH >5.5 on the B horizon.
These soils generally contain carbonates within 1m of the soil surface.

Brunisolic Sombric Brunisol

Other soils with an Ah >10cm thick.

Brunisolic Eutric Brunisol

Other soils with a pH >5.5 in the B horizon.
These soils generally contain carbonates within 1m of the soil surface.

Brunisolic Dystric Brunisol

Other soils.

Podzolic Humic Podzol

Soils with an Bh horizon >10cm thick.

Podzolic Ferro Humic Podzol

Other soils with a Bhf horizon > 10cm thick.

Podzolic Humo Ferric Podzol

Other podzolic soils.

Luvisolic Gray Brown Luvisol

Other soils. Soils with an Ah horizon and mean annual soil temperature >8° C.

Luvisoilc Gray Luvisol

Other soils.

Gleysolic Luvic Gleysol

Soils with a Btg horizon.

Gleysolic Humic Gleysol

Soils with a Ah horizon > 10cm thick.

Gleysolic Gleysol

Other soils.